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Why Get a Professional Garage Door Inspection?

Oct 10, 2023

Your garage door plays a crucial role in your daily life, providing convenient access to your home and safeguarding your belongings. However, it's often taken for granted until it encounters a significant problem. To ensure your garage door continues to function reliably and safely, regular inspections by professionals are essential. In this blog, delve into why having a professional garage door inspection is a wise investment for homeowners.

You Save Money

A professional inspection can identify minor issues before they escalate into major, expensive problems. Neglected garage door issues can lead to costly repairs or premature door replacement.

Imagine this: a small misalignment in the garage door tracks goes unnoticed. Over time, this misalignment causes increased wear and tear on the door's components, such as the springs and cables. Eventually, the door gets stuck or, worse, crashes down unexpectedly. Repairing or replacing damaged parts can be significantly higher than the cost of a routine inspection.

You Enhance Home Security

Your garage is more than just a place to store your car—it's often an entry point to your home. A malfunctioning or compromised garage door can pose a significant security risk. A professional garage door inspection can identify vulnerabilities in your door's security mechanisms. For instance, if your garage door opener's remote control doesn’t function correctly, it might not close the door securely, leaving your home vulnerable to potential break-ins.

A professional inspection can catch such issues and ensure that your garage door opener works as intended, enhancing the security of your home. Garage doors with worn-out or damaged components may be easier for intruders to manipulate, making your home an easier target. A professional inspection can pinpoint any weak spots in your garage door system and recommend the necessary security upgrades.

You Ensure Garage Door Safety

Garage doors are heavy and powerful, capable of causing severe injury or even fatalities if not properly maintained and inspected. Ensuring your family's safety and anyone using the garage is paramount. A professional garage door inspection thoroughly examines safety features such as sensors and auto-reverse mechanisms.

Faulty safety features can lead to accidents, especially if children or pets are near the garage door. An inspection can detect issues like misaligned sensors or malfunctioning auto-reverse mechanisms and rectify them promptly, minimizing the risk of accidents. By investing in professional garage door inspections, you not only protect your property but also the well-being of your loved ones.

You Catch Minor Issues

Garage doors have numerous moving parts, including springs, rollers, cables, and tracks. Over time, these components can wear out or become misaligned, affecting the door's performance. Regular professional inspections can catch these minor issues before they escalate into major problems. For example, worn-out rollers may produce unusual noises or cause the door to operate less smoothly. Left unattended, this can further damage the tracks and springs.

A professional inspection can identify worn components and replace them before they compromise the entire system. By addressing minor issues promptly, you not only prevent larger, costlier problems but also ensure that your garage door continues to operate smoothly and quietly.

You Increase the Lifespan of the Door

Your garage door is a significant investment, so you likely want it to last as long as possible. Regular professional inspections and maintenance are key to extending the lifespan of your garage door. Routine inspections allow professionals to lubricate moving parts, tighten loose hardware, and make necessary adjustments, ensuring your door operates efficiently.

These simple maintenance tasks can significantly reduce wear and tear on the door's components, ultimately extending lifespan. A well-maintained garage door is less likely to experience sudden breakdowns, providing peace of mind and convenience.

At Atlas Total Home, we provide top-notch garage door inspection and maintenance services. Contact us today to schedule your professional garage door inspection and take the first step towards a secure and hassle-free garage door experience.

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